Kwe’, Shé:kon, Aanii, Edlánet’e, Negha dágondíh, Weytkp, ÍY SȻÁĆEL, G̱ilakas’la, Ha7lh Skwáyel, tânisi (greetings)
This space was created to share information about Indigenous language education policy. Researchers at the University of Victoria created this site to engage with others who are interested in understanding what policies exist that either support or hinder immersion education for Indigenous languages in Canada.
We plan to continue to update this website to reflect the most up-to-date policies. We include national, provincial, and territorial policies we have located in Canada. We hope to add jurisdictions in the United States, as well as other countries, in the future.
This space is meant to be an interactive community in which contributors can add information about policies in their jurisdictions. Please leave comments with suggestions, additions, edits, or questions on any page you engage with. Corrections and additions are welcomed!
We invite you to watch the welcome video below to learn more about the Indigenous Language Education Policy website. You can learn more about the research team here.
HÍSW̱ḴE SIÁM, Wela’lioq, Nyá:wen, Miigwech, kinanâskomitinawaw, masi chogh, máhsi, kukwstsétsemc, G̱ilakas’la (thank you)!