Alberta (AB)

There are ten Indigenous languages, across forty-six First Nations, in the region commonly known as Alberta (AB). The Languages Act (2002) of Alberta establishes English as the official language in Alberta and grants the right to speak either English or French in the Legislative Assembly. There are currently no provincial acts protecting or recognizing First Nations languages in Alberta.

Alberta’s Education Act (2019, updated 2022) encourages collaboration to support First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students. The Act stipulates that a board of trustees of a school division, with approval, can enter into an agreement with a First Nation “for the education of Indian children”. While every student is entitled to receive instruction in English, a board can authorize the use of any language as a language of instruction. While policies reference French immersion, they do not address immersion for other languages. Other languages are mentioned only under guidelines for bilingual programs and second language courses. For bilingual programs in languages other than French or English, the target language can be used as the language of instruction for up to 50% of the instruction day and students must have adequate instruction in English language arts skills to meet graduation requirements. Alberta currently offers approved bilingual programs for the following languages: Chinese, Russian, Spanish, and Ukrainian, but not Indigenous languages. A Memorandum of Understanding for First Nations Education in Alberta seeks to increase graduation rates for First Nations students but does not focus on language.

The most common model for language teaching are “Aboriginal Language and Culture Courses” taught as a subject rather than the language of instruction. Alberta has Blackfoot and Cree Language and Culture courses available for K-12 students in many parts of the province. “School authorities” can also develop language and culture courses using the First Nations, Métis and Inuit Language and Culture twelve-year (K-12) Program Template.

Currently, Alberta Education supports the Indigenous Languages in Education Grant Program. This program makes funding available to develop and implement provincial strategies to support K-12 Indigenous language and culture programming through teacher/instructor and resource development. While the development of Indigenous language courses is possible through this funding there is no mention of developing bilingual or immersion programming. This funding supplements federal funding for First Nations Education.

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